Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Thoughts from the Sangha.
Continuing to focus on the basics of mindful practice, we go to the First Mindfulness training which is a focus on Reverence for Life, non- violence and non attachment to views.
We can all agree these are dark times as a virus , out of control, is taking thousands of lives in the midst of a political climate filled with conspiracy theories , misinformation, fear and violence. These are calling us to reflect deeply on the First Mindfulness Training. Mindful practice challenges us to go deep, deeper and then deeper more.
As we seek to be responsible for ourselves and others and are mindful of social distancing, self isolation, wearing of masks etc, we become aware that all of these behaviors are interconnected with time and space, both inner and outer. We have also become aware of the extent of violence that is manifest in both language and behavior.
For most of us, these images of maintaining distance can bring forth deep emotions connected with rejection, silence, nothingness, and loneliness to which we can respond with anxiety and fear. Our reactions may be resentment, anger or demanding control. All of these are violence to ourselves and to others. We see these behaviors all around us and may feel them in ourselves. All a manifestation of dark energies which impinge upon our soul.
All the times there is a longing and yearning for connection and community where there is time and space ,a welcome in the circle.
We may hear 'I don't have time', I have work to do' 'i can't talk to you', or even no response at all when we attempt to reach out and make connection. Thes can all pull us into a dark sludge of emotions akin to a dark vortex of despair and holding on to dark traumatic experiences.
Mindful meditation in community provides an alternative, turning isolation in to a community of solitude where we can discern how to give and hold sacred healing time and space both to ourselves and for others. Meditation gives the breathing room where we can claim the space for our inner healing and give space and time to others for their healing with reverence and sacred awareness.
Here in these moments of claiming space and stopping time, we become calm, we rest, we heal and our consciousness is transformed.
Let us turn these challenging days of isolation into community's of solitude.
How do you need to claim time and space for yourself?
How do you need to give it to others.


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