Monday, November 30, 2020

Thoughts From the Sangha November 25

 Daily, the conditions of our time are us giving the opportunity for mindful practice; perhaps seeming to come to us as a barrage of arrows on our psyche and soul. Up close and personal, may come as illness, isolation and loneliness,the betrayal of trust by a trusted friend, the loss of a loved one, accusations or projected resentments. These may be ongoing conditions that we deal with daily or a sudden intrusion that elicits a gut wrenching response in  which  we may  feel helpless, out of control and anxious. All of these impacted by the continuing out of control virus and cultural unrest.

Whatever the form these may be taking, all of us are being challenged to redefine our identity, our values, concepts, perceptions, our sense of belonging, family and community; the core of who we are as human beings. 

A crucial question to be ask is,"What is the gift of this situation?  How do we reclaim our joy, our hope, our sense of safety and our trust in both ourselves and others?

These are the moments that bring us back to basics, as they have for our ancestors in centuries past. These are the moments for deepening our mindful practices, to focus and refocus on what anchors us. Painful as some of these moments may be, we seize them  to deepen our understanding of ourselves, our assumptions and our relationships in community.

Yes these are the moments for deep looking and discernment, trusting they hold the potential for deep healing, deep growth and transformation. 

Mindfully be gentle with yourselves and with each others with lovingkindness and deep compassion.

From my heart to yours


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